Day 13 – The Office Party
Unless your company pays for the holiday party, most likely you will be asked to bring some food to the office party. The quickest food option would be picking up a pre-made platter of wraps or sandwiches at your local grocery store. Feeling crafty? Then create a charcuterie board with options and variety. Charcuterie boards have evolved from the classic meat and cheeses. Now days charcuterie boards options include varieties of sweets, cheese and crackers, Mediterranean snacks, bagel and cream cheese variety and more.
Disposable Tray | Wooden Trays | Charcuterie Boards
Day 14 – Non-alcoholic Options
Believe it or not but not everyone drinks alcoholic drinks. For a person that is sober, sometimes you feel left out during parties since alcohol is usually the main drink offered. Some fun non-alcoholic options are virgin mojitos, a mixture Ginger Ale/pineapple juice/cranberry juice, sparkling grape juice or a non-alcoholic wine. You can also garnish drinks with sugared cranberries on a skewer or a spring of rosemary.
Day 15 – Christmas Favors
Give your guests a little gift on their way out. We usually see favors at birthday parties or weddings but giving out favors is a small gesture of appreciation. One of my favorite favor ideas during the holiday season is hot chocolate spoons. If you have some time, then you can create custom Thank You bags with a mixture of candies or pre-packaged hot chocolate tubes. Guests will appreciate the extra attention and thoughtfulness.
Favor Bags | Hot Cocoa Spoons | Pre-PackagedHot Cocoa | Christmas Candies
Day 16 – Customize
Most likely you will know everyone attending your event. Add fun customization details to your event. If it’s a family event, create a custom poster stating the common last name and year for people to take photos by. You can also do individual name tags to be placed on plates. Switch it up and place the custom name tags randomly on plates and see if you can make new bonds around the table.